Failure Analysis And Countermeasure the blowout of furnace tubes in Propane Deasphalting Unit 丙烷脱沥青装置加热炉炉管爆裂原因与对策
Propane solvent deasphalting of Oman and Iran VR blended with furfural extracts was inspected with RUSKA PVT equipment. 在RUSKA相平衡装置上研究了阿曼和伊朗渣油掺炼糠醛抽出油的丙烷溶剂脱沥青过程。
Measures for propane deasphalting unit at low feedstock situation 丙烷脱沥青装置低处理量下的应对措施
Measures of Optimal Operation for Propane Deasphalting Unit 丙烷脱沥青装置优化运行措施
Improvement of Interfacial Level Indicator for Extractor fa Propane Deasphalting Unit 丙烷脱沥青装置萃取塔界面计的改进
The oil got from propane deasphalting process can modulate high quality diesel oil after highly furfural refine and hydrotreating. 轻脱油经深度糠醛精制及加氢处理后,可调制高档次内燃机油。
Application of extraction tower technology in propane deasphalting unit 溶剂脱沥青高效萃取技术的应用
Extractor self-temperature gradient adjusting technology in propane deasphalting process 萃取塔自身温度梯度调节的丙烷脱沥青技术
Technical innovation of an existing propane deasphalting unit 丙烷脱沥青装置扩建改造的主要技术措施
Prevention of Sulfur Corrosion in Propane Deasphalting Unit 丙烷脱沥青装置硫腐蚀的防治
Control System for Propane Deasphalting Pilot Plant 丙烷脱沥青中试工艺控制系统的改进
Application of 2-stage EXTRACTION-SETTLEMENT process and high-efficiency extractor in propane deasphalting 丙烷脱沥青二段抽提-沉降工艺及高效萃取塔的应用
Investigation on reasonable use of FCC slurry by propane deasphalting 采用丙烷脱沥青工艺探讨催化裂化油浆的合理应用
Enhancing the technical level of propane deasphalting unit with new technologies 采用新工艺新技术提高丙烷脱沥青装置技术水平
The influence of furfural extract addition on propane deasphalting with Oman and Iran VR 掺炼糠醛抽出油对阿曼和伊朗渣油溶剂脱沥青过程的影响
FCC slurry blending with the asphalt from propane deasphalting unit to produce heavy traffic paving asphalt has been tested by adopting uniform recipe design scheme. 采用配方均匀设计方法,制定试验方案,对FCC油浆与丙脱沥青调合生产重交通道路沥青进行试验研究。
Development of Corrosion Inhibitor and Application on Refinery Propane Deasphalting Unit 炼油厂丙烷脱沥青装置缓蚀剂的研制和应用
Blending resid FCC slurry with vacuum residue as the propane deasphalting feedstock solved the feedstock shortage of the propane deasphalting unit at Jinan Refinery. 催化裂化油浆掺入减压渣油中作为丙烷脱沥青装置的进料,解决了济南炼油厂丙烷脱沥青装置原料不足的问题。